When generating a WooCommerce feed for your preferred merchant, you might encounter feed attributes with HTML entities that you’d like to convert into symbols.
When working with the Product Feed Manager for the WooCommerce plugin, you can effortlessly achieve this by utilizing the UTF-8 Output Sanitization feature within the plugin.
In this guide, I will demonstrate how you can effortlessly transform HTML Entities into symbols.
1. To begin, create a new feed and choose your preferred merchant for the feed.

2. Scroll down to the Feed Configuration section, where you’ll discover all the attributes specific to your selected merchant.
3. Click on the Output Filter dropdown for the relevant attribute, and from the dropdown list, select “UTF-8 Encode.”

4. Lastly, return to the top and click the “Publish/Update” button to publish/update the feed.

After publishing or updating the feed, open it, and you’ll notice that all the HTML Entities have been transformed into symbols.
That’s it, it is this easy to convert your HTML Entities into symbols.