Sometimes you may not find the pre-defined template for your preferred merchant and you may need to generate a custom product feed for your merchant.
Creating a new feed from scratch could be difficult, but the good thing is, you can easily create a custom product feed with the Product Feed Manager.
Follow these easy steps to generate a WooCommerce Product Feed for Facebook
Feed settings #
1. Go to your product feed dashboard.
Click on the Add New button.

It will take you to the feed creation page.

Now, here,
Give your feed a name.

2. Just under the title, you will see an option to select your preferred merchant. Simply click on the Feed Merchant dropdown button and select your preferred merchant from the dropdown or you can search in the dropdown box.

For a custom feed, select Custom. Here you’ll see a new section will appear where you’ll be able to edit the wrapper element.

Here, in the Items Wrapper, you can write the header element for the feed.
The Wrapper Element tag will be right after the header in your feed.
And, the Item Wrapper is the wrapper tag for the product attributes in the feed.
If you’re going for the default attributes, then you can skip this section.
Now, in the feed attributes section, you will also see only one pre-made attribute, which is the Product ID.

3. If you want to add new attributes, you can click on the Add New Attribute button, and you will get the list of the optional Attributes of Google Shopping.

4. Now, if you click on the Add New Attribute button, a new attribute will be added.
Here, you will get a list of the pre-listed attributes.

These attributes will be listed as groups, such as Basic Information, Availability & Price, Unique Product Identifiers, etc.
You can select your preferred attribute from here.
5. Now, choose the attribute type as to what kind of attribute it will be, such as static or attribute.
If this attribute will carry the same value, you can choose Static as an attribute and write a static value, which will be assigned to all of your products in the feed.
For example, Brands, if all of your products are from the same Brand, you can set a static value for the Brand which will be added to all of your products.
If you want to put a dynamic value, you can choose Attribute as the Attribute Type.
6. Once the Attribute type is selected, now, it is time to assign a value to this.
If you click on the Value field, you will get a list of dynamic values that you can set for the concerned attribute.

7. You can set any Sanitization for your newly created attribute.

For example, if you want to remove any HTML tags from your attribute, you can select Strip Tags as the sanitization for your concerned attribute and it will remove all the HTML tags from your attribute.
For another example, if you set Price as the Sanitization, it will remove the decimal segment from your attribute.
8. Also, there is an option through which you can add a prefix or suffix to your feed attribute.
This prefix or suffix will be added before or after your attribute.
For example, if you want to add “USD” after your pricing attribute, you may add “USD” as the suffix of your attribute.

9. Sometimes you want to add an attribute that you can’t find in the pre-made attributes list, or you want to put a new name for this attribute, in this case, you can create a new custom attribute.
To do so, click on the Add New Custom Attribute from the bottom.
Type your Custom Attribute Name, set Attribute Type, and Set the Values accordingly.

You can add as many attributes as you want, just like this.
Finally, to start generating the feed, simply scroll back to the top and click on the Publish button, and your custom feed will start generating.