Sometimes, you may face this issue that your WPVR virtual tours are not showing up on your webpage.
If your WPVR Script Control Settings are not properly set up, or you’re using an optimization plugin or a caching plugin on your site, this can happen often.
Today, you’ll learn how to solve virtual tour not showing up for WPVR.
Follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Set Up WPVR Script Control Settings To Solve Virtual Tour Not Showing Up #
First, set up the Script Control settings for WPVR.
1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard > WP VR > Get Started.

2. Click on the Settings tab.
3. Find the Enable Script Control option.

If it’s already turned off, move to Step 2 to exclude WPVR JS files from the optimization or caching plugin you’re using.
If it’s turned on, check out the ‘List of allowed pages to load WP VR scripts’ option.
4. If your webpage URL that has a virtual tour published, is already listed on this field, move to Step 2 to exclude WPVR JS files from your optimization or caching plugin.
If the webpage URL is not listed on this page, add the URL in this field.
If you have multiple web pages with WPVR virtual tours, add them by separating them with commas(,).
5. Click on the Save button.
6. Go to your webpage, clear cache, and reload the page.
Your virtual tour should appear now on your webpage.
If the tour still doesn’t appear on the webpage, it’s possible that you’re using an optimization plugin on your site and this plugin is optimizing the JS assets of WPVR.
Follow Step 2 to Exclude WPVR Assets from your optimization or caching plugin.