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How To Set Default Scene Face On A Virtual Tour

You can set a default scene face on each scene on a virtual tour.

So, you can choose which way your visitor will be facing upon arriving on each scene.

Now, there are 2 ways you can set default scene faces on your scenes:

  • On the First/default scene of the tour.
  • On the following scenes of the tour.

1.  Set Default Scene Face On The First/Default Scene of Your Tour  #

Follow these steps to set the default scene face on the First/Default scene of your tour.

1. Preview your scene and select the position you want to set as the default scene face.

Copy the Pitch and Yaw of that scene face.

2. Find the Set default scene face option.

Set Default Scene Face

Turn On the Set default scene face option.

Two new fields for Pitch and Yaw will appear.

Set Pitch And Yaw

Paste the Pitch and Yaw you copied earlier from the first / default scene.

Scroll down and click on Preview.

Now the scene will load from the face you’ve set.

2.  Set Default Scene Face On The Following Scenes of Your Tour  #

Follow the following steps to set the default scene face on your second and following scenes.

1. First, you have to set a hotspot on the first/default scene, upon clicking which will lead to the next/following scene of the tour.

Click on the Hotspot, select scene as hotspot type and create a hotspot.

Preview your tour, go to the next/following scene and select the position you want to set as the default scene face.

Set Default Face Following Scenes

Copy the Pitch and Yaw of that scene face.

2. Select a scene where this hotspot will target from Select Target Scene from the List dropdown menu.

Under this, you will find Target Scene Pitch and Target Scene Yaw fields.

Set Scene Face On Hotspot

Paste the Pitch and Yaw you copied from the 2nd/following scene here.

Scroll down and click on Preview.

Now the scene will load from the face you’ve set.