How To Embed Youtube Videos Inside Virtual Tours Using WPVR

Once you’ve created a virtual tour of your property or business using WPVR, you can easily embed YouTube videos inside your virtual tour.

Especially, if the video is related to your property or business, you can provide your viewers some additional information.

So, you’re giving them interactive content to checkout and make them spend more time inside your already interesting virtual tour.

Both WPVR Free and WPVR Pro plugins will allow you to embed Youtube videos inside virtual tours.

Today, you’ll learn how to embed Youtube Videos inside virtual tours using WPVR.

Let’s get started.

Embed YouTube Videos Inside Virtual Tours Using WPVR  #

Follow these simple steps to embed YouTube videos into your virtual tour:

1. Go to the edit mode of the virtual tour where you want to embed a YouTube Video.

Choose Scene from Tour

2. Click on the Scenes tab and choose the scene in which you want to embed he YouTube video.

3. Go to the Hotspot tab for that scene.

Hotspot for Virtual tour

4. Set Hotspot ID, Pitch, and Yaw value for your hotspot.

Set Up Virtual Tour Hotspot

5. Go to Youtube, find your desired video and click on the Share Icon under the video.

YouTube Video for the Tour

6. A pop-up for share options will appear. Click on the Embed option.

Embed Option for the Video

7. You’ll get the embed code, copy this code.

**Make sure that the Start At option is set at 0:00

Embed Code for YouTube Video

8. Paste the code in the On Click Content field of your hotspot.

Embed YouTube Video on Virtual Tour

9. Now, copy this:


Paste this just after <iframe part of the code like this:

WPVR Class for Embedding Video

Publish or Update the tour.

10. Now, on the preview, you’ll see the hotspot has appeared.

YouTube Video Hotspot

Click on it and your Youtube Video will appear.

Embedded YouTube Video

That’s it, you’ve successfully embedded a YouTube video inside your virtual tour using WPVR.

Now you can publish the tour on your website and the video will work there too.

To customize your hotspots even more, follow this guide to customize hotspot icons and colors.