Dynamic pricing strategies can significantly enhance the shopping experience and boost sales. The Dynamic Discount Plugin by RexTheme enables you to implement unique pricing rules effortlessly. One such strategy is offering a discount on the cheapest product in the customer’s cart.
This feature is perfect for promotions like “Buy More, Save More” or incentivizing bulk purchases. By rewarding customers with a discount on the least expensive item, you encourage them to add more products to their cart, increasing the average order value while maintaining profitability.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to configure a rule that automatically applies a discount to the cheapest product in the cart. Whether you’re running seasonal campaigns or looking to create an enticing value proposition, this feature ensures you stay competitive while delighting your customers.
Let’s dive in and explore how to configure this smart discount rule in your store!
Dynamic Discounts Options #
After you have installed and activated the plugin and the License, hover on WooCommerce and click on Dynamic Discounts. Clicking on the + Create New it will take you to the Create Discount section.

Creating Discounts Conditions For The cheapest product In The Cart #
Give your discount a title. Now from the Discount type dropdown, select Cheapest product On Cart and 2 new sections will be added below.

Scenario 1: Make the Cheapest Product in the Cart Free #
1. Now select a discount option from the dropdown, a discount amount for applying to the cheapest product in the cart. For this scenario let’s select the discount option as Percentage, Discount amount 100%.
So among the products in the cart, the cheapest one will be free.

2. Now click on the Save button.
Scenario 2: Apply a Flat $5 Discount to the Cheapest Product in the Cart #
1. Now select a discount option from the dropdown, a discount amount for applying to the cheapest product in the cart. For this scenario let’s select the discount option as Fixed, Discount amount 5.
So among the products in the cart, the cheapest one will get a flat $5 discount.

2. Now click on the Save button.
That’s it Discount Rule is created.
Now that you are familiar with how the Dynamic Discounts for WooCommerce plugin works, in the upcoming documentation you’ll learn about more useful features.
Need Help? #
If you encounter any issues or need assistance, visit our support page to contact us directly with the necessary details for personalized help.