Laden Sie Ihren WooComerce-Produkt-Feed direkt in das Google Merchant Center hoch - (keine Autorisierung erforderlich)

You can upload your WooCommerce product feed to the Google Merchant Center in two ways.

  1. Upload the feed directly to the Google Merchant Center
  2. Using the Content API Method to send the feed to Google Merchant Center within the plugin

In this doc, I will show you how you can upload your WooConmerce product feed directly to the Google Merchant Center.

Simply follow the steps below to learn how you can do that:

1. First, log in to your Google Merchant Center Account.

Google Merchant Center Dashboard

2. On the left side, click on the Feeds option which you will find under the Products menu.

Click on Products >> Feeds

Google Merchant Center Products Menu

3. Here, Click on the ‘ + ‘ button to add a new primary feed.

Google Merchant Center Add New Feed Button

Sie gelangen dann zur Seite für die Erstellung des Feeds.

Upload your WooComerce product feed directly to the Google Merchant Center - (No Need For Authorization) 1

4. Here, choose the Country of Sale, Language, and Destinations avail in your country.

Google Merchant Center New Feed Creation Options

Once done, click on the Continue button and it will take you to the Name and Input method

5. In the Name and Input Method section, first assign a feed name and choose the Scheduled fetch option among the options below.

Google Merchant Center Name and Input Method Section

Then click on the Continue button and it will take you to the Setup section.

6. In the Setup section, Here,

Google Merchant Center Create New Feed Setup Section
  1. first provide the name of the feed file. (Simply download the feed file from the Product Feed Manager plugin and see the file name).
  2. Set the fetch frequency and time. This indicates on which day (Daily/ Weekly) and when should Google fetch your feed data.
  3. Choose your time zone.
  4. Provide the feed file URL. (You will find the feed URL from PFM when you edit a feed).
Product Feed Manager Feed URL Section

7. Finally, click on the Create Feed button. The page will reload back to the Products > Feed page.

Google Merchant Center Create New Feed Setup Section

That’s it, this is how you can create a feed and upload your feed file directly to the Google Merchant Center without the Content API method.