Grab the attention of buyers by using elegant product variation swatches. Connect with potential buyers to convert them into sales.
Instead of boring drop-down options, let buyers choose from product variants in a smart way using visual button swatches of color, image, or label. Influence greater buyers' intent through attractive, visual variation swatches.
Choose the shape, border color, background color, hover color, font size and many more to customize your own variation swatches. Make your buyers curious with attractive swatches on display.
For every color variants on your store, display variation options through colored swatches and allows buyers to choose their preferred color more accurately.
How about giving a more literal preview of the product variations? Simply use images or icons of your own choice as variation swatches to connect with buyers on product pages.
Grab the attention of buyers by using square attribute swatches shape. Connect with potential buyers to convert them into sales.
Grab the attention of buyers by using rounded attribute swatches shape. Connect with potential buyers to convert them into sales.
A practice not without controversy, laying out pages with meaningless.
A practice not without controversy, laying out pages with meaningless.
Yes, it will work with any theme, but may require some styling to make it match nicely.